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2000-10-11 - 02:28:02

i am better at riflery than kato!

or at least for the day. i fucking whooped his ass! he shot only like a 230-something. i shot a 242! sure it seems like only 12 pts. or so. but you have to take into account that hitting that high is an accomplishment for most OIA shooters. esp. the 230's mark. but the fact that i can go all the way up past 230 and then surpass another accomplished shooter. then that makes me kick ass in the OIA. or at least make me feel good about myself. he he he. i like this feeling. its eupohoric.

i have to set up my inspection team by friday. cause the drill meet is on saturday. for y'all out there who dont know what inspection team is, its the easiest team in all of rotc. all we have to do is look prettier than the other teams, less strings on the uniform, nicer shoes, better hair cuts, etc. all the military mickey mouse shit. mickey mouse reffering to military analism. i dont know the origins of it, but yeah.

and not to toot my own horn here, cause quite frankly, i myself dont understand how it came to be, but, i really am like a friggin pimp to the rotc peoples eyes. cause its like, im one of the few w/ a life outside of rotc, and its mostly w/ chicks too. and then, its like, they see and hear of my success w/ getting leo a date, and they all think i can do it for them too. to tell the truth, i think leo would be an easier sell than some of those guys. ai ya... man, i always thought the phrase "pimpin aint easy" was stupid and retarded. in fact, i still think it is, but its true. if im a fucking pimp. i hate it. all these people frickin think im like cool and got the hook ups. they dont realize how much trouble it took for me to find a damn date. hell, i had a much easier time finding one for leo. all i had to do was ask like one person seriously to go w/ him. and it worked out just hunky-dorie. me? i had to ask... like three people. dang. leo was easier than me. oh well. i still think that this whole thing where im viewed as a pimp is mildly disturbing.

i want to frickin pop some pills, but i dont like the notion of taking drugs so much anymore, well, at least not legal drugs. thats odd. but either way, im ryan okuno. or as melissa more precisely put it ryan shigeo okuno. its all in the gb. go read it if you must.

and i will not accept melissa's rebutal of my comment. i still stand by the notion that she said that we're not good enough for her to listen to. you cant take it back melissa! its too late! its been said! the hurt is already there! and you cant take it away! so just stop it and face the facts! you said we're not good enough, so now you have to just try and make ammends to the rest of us. we all cry at that comment. but if you start to treat us w/ the dignity and respect that you so callously took away from us, we may begin to respect you once again.

oh, and shannon says shes right most of the time, if not all. i'd like all of you to try and think of times she was wrong and put them in my gb so i can prove her wrong just to spite her. doncha just hate me?

okay, well. im gonna go now. peaches.

P.S. melissa, the stars in the gb have grown on me. i actually like them now. even if they seem fem. i dont really care. they look cool to me. and since this is my damn diary/gb. fuck everyone who challenges my authority here. except for diaryland/guestbook land cause its their copyright and stuff. so yeah...

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