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2000-10-10 - 01:56:24

i got leo a date for the military ball dammit! im so fucking proud of myself! it took me a long long time, but i did it!

and hell, i even managed to get myself a date too. and shannon, just for you; i asked jenna to go as a favor to leo and kerin. but in the process of asking her, i broke a cardinal rule of never asking people who have "significant others", but it was for the betterment of two other people and i mean no harm by it. so its all good. and she said yes as you already have concluded. happy shannon?

well yeah. but because shes goin w/ leo, i have to go w/ her to purchase a new dress. yippie me. i get to go dress shopping. i dont even go shopping for my own clothes most of the time.

i quit aikido today. i dont know if it was a good move, but i did it. i feel kinda bad about it cause there's another guy going up for testing and i was supposed to be his partner, but yeah... stupid conscious. which reminds me... today in peer ed, we had to say some things which we value. so while everyone else was saying things like happiness, love, family, friends, etc. i said three entirely different things: the female body, should've seen how many laughs i got for that. but i was serious! the human mind. that made everyone think. and human emotions. that supprised everyone. hell, it even supprised boss too. he he he, no wonder erin keeps me around. i keep life interesting as she says.

okay well, yeah, thats all i remember from today. i go now.


Previously on - Currentlier

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