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2000-10-18 - 02:35:16

okay, i just read a whole bunch of "rant and rave" entries, or as i like to call them "angry entries."

and yes, i concur w/ them. fuck juniors who are stupid. fuck all stupid people too, but mostly the juniors. y'all seem to think that the back scene shit is all just chillin and crusin. but we be doin work like you wouldnt believe. we gotta keep this shit up day in day out. fuck, we started planning for home coming back in the summer. we were out there "in the arena" planning and preping for this shit. y'all may think that this was just "okay, get some people for serpent dance. teach them to walk in a line doing some fancy shit. and thats it! git out there and show em whose boss." but you know what? its more than that. we spent a whole day, from 10 am to 4 pm. a sunday from 10-4 doing that shit for you guys so we stand a chance. the banner! thats taking even longer! we've spent two sundays from 10-4 and 1-4 working on it. and we're still not entirely finished. and you know what? its so fucking nogoodniks like the majority of the junior class can brag w/o doing shit to the other fucking classes that we won or something. i mean, what the fuck?! your taking my glory. OUR FUCKING GLORY! the pride belongs to the mother fuckers who are doing shit. mother fuckers like blair who is keeping the fucking student gov together; jenna who is our salty balls commentator who does more than you'd believe; melissa who is doing her best to cope w/ a bad situation; justine who keeps her optomistic out look for the rest of us; our advisors who are putting up w/ us; and the rest of the few fuckers who are doing their part as well. and we really dont appreciate people who are walking around, not even partaking in the class days. its not that hard to fucking put on some shinny shit and say your a fucking alien, or wear some god damned black and red. as gay as it might be. it aint that fucking hard! all you gotta do is fucking act like you got a little bit of fucking shit that says you got some fucking class spirit. it aint that fucking hard! get your shit together people and lets fuck up the other fucking classes!

the fucking seniors are going to fucking beat us so fucking baddly cause they have their shit togehter. hell, the fucking sophmores too might fucking beat us if they aint dq'ed for the fucking boys pep. but fuck, they are outta sight. hell, even the fucking freshmen have fucking class shirts! what the fuck?!?

people wonder why i get pissed off? its cause of fucks like the fucking junior class who dont even think that we do work behind the scene's.

and like jenna said, why are we fucking cutting people from the flash cards three days away from competition? well, i shouldnt be bitching about that, cause i dont know the circumstances surrounding the situation, but from what i gather, it aint exactly all that brilliant of a move.

i mean, i talked about it w/ erin, and we both agree that fuckers who dont do shit but only complain are ass holes. well, she didnt say it cause shes a little angel, but yeah. we both dont like it when people do that. and im getting to the pint where i want to fucking slug them. fucking deck them to the fucking ground and spit on them and walk away. just show them that they really shouldnt be doing that. it really makes me angry if you havent noticed.

i went to mckinely today. competeed in the OIA boys individual champs. i was 1st place for 50 minutes. then leleihua's scores went up. the two of their shooters beat me by 5 points. so i was knocked down to third place. it bites. i was ranked 3rd place in OIA by average. under on leleihua shooter and kato. and then today i was knocked down to third place by two leleihua shooters. so now i am officially the 3rd best shooter in all of the OIA which doesnt mean shit compared to the ILH and outer island organizations. damn, those guys are all good. they're better than ILH some of them! its un-real. but yeah... me and kato are guarenteed going to states now. its all good in that respects. i gotta start to practice how they shoot at states. they shoot w/ two targets per postion side-by-side. its going to be hell on my standing... and i dont know how much time i'll have to shoot all 6 target sets, but, hopefully i can do it. hopefully is a big word. litterally and metaphorically. but yeah. i'll talk to kato about it, he went to states last year. the mentor (me) has become the person being mentored (is that a word?). oh well, i still beat kato today. he was 5th OIA. so im officially better than kato. but i already rubbed it in his face today, so i'll stop.

okay, but im still pissed that leleihua beat me. this is the second time in four days i've come in second to leleihua. the first was at the drill meet on saturday. they beat my inspection team. we were supposed to win for that! hell! even the Director of Army Instruction Col. Barrell, hes the big guy for rotc for the state, said that i had the sharpest looking team he's ever seen! i emphasize EVER. and then they went and took my 1st place trophy. this is the second time i've lost inspection team 1st place. and the same fucking drill meet too. last year, when it was held at roosevelt, i took only second place too. im so pissed about that. hell, when i heard we took second place, everyone was happy. everyone but me. i was all sad that we only took second place. i was so ready to take first, hell, everyone thought we were gonna take first. and what? we take second. again. im always like second or something. never first. i never win. cause as the saying is, second place is the first loser. one day, im gonna win first place for something. i will. and its going to be something im in charge of. something that i am doing it to win and win glory for myself and my subordinates. something i can gloat to other people and piss them off. something i can be proud of. something i worked my fucking ass off to be proud of.

okay. i'll cut this right now cause i feel like im rambling on and on about shit that you people dont understand. i go now. peaches. ryan.

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