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2000-10-23 - 03:58:39

i love weekends now. i can sleep as late as i want both days of the weekend! today, i woke up at 1230. then i ate a cold breakfast and listened to skamotion on ktuh. a great 3 hours of ska music. i also did my vocab in that time. and lay around in bed too. weekends are great. so much time to relax and fuck around. its just great.

well, that was basically my day. oh yeah. i must also say once again: i hate peer ed. i had to re-type the schedules of everyone in peer ed cause i made a few mistakes on the first copy, and then i lost the disk w/ the stuff on it! so i just finished re-typing every ones schedules. at least its only 1st Semester. dammit... i hate peer ed.

i go now. peahces.

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