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2000-10-24 - 03:19:57

i am dateless for the military ball again. jenna has a speech and debate thing that weekend. so yeah... i asked shannon, but she needs to get back to me tomorrow. jenna said sorry like three or four times. i told her its not necessary, but dang, shes just like erin. i told her not to say sorry, she kept saying it too. i think all girls are bull-headed. and they say boys make life complicated...

i have team champs on saturday at 9AM, that means i have to wake up early. nooooo... i hate waking up early. y'know, today was the earliest that i've been awake since thrusday last week. i was wasted. i couldnt even comprehend what my parents were saying this morning. i walked out in a daze. i was cranky and irritable and confused all morning. it was freaky. i hate early mornings.

i wonder what shannon's parents and keith are gonna say? cause i dont have that much more time to get the forms in i think... oh well. as long as jenna wins something at the tourney, or does her damn best to, i'll be happy.

i think i'll need to go for a walk tonight. either a walk or a long sit outside to get it together. man... i need sugar or something...

cant complain, i guess i always knew something was gonna happen. at least it didnt happen later when i had less time.

gotta look at the positive side i guess.

frickin taka, little ass got the D-EJ01 Sony CD Player. frickin thing cost him $400. its the one w/ the CD that slides in. its frickin awesome. damn him.

my mind is kinda discombobulated right now. im not thinking clearly. maybe its the ouzo i drank earlier this afternoon. maybe its some of the things i found out today. i dont know... but im not thinking right.

oh yeah, i also found out someone did something that they maybe shouldn't have. but, i talked to them about it. we have come to the agreement that they would do their best to not do it again. i hope they're not lying to me, but i believe they arent. i had to say that to get it off my chest. im fine now. nights.

Previously on - Currentlier

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