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2000-10-29 - 04:22:33

i have a lot to write about, but not enough time. i have to do my home work for english cause dane needs to borrow my book. and then i need to take a shower too and get some sleep.

i went out last night till about 115. thats why i didnt update. cause when i came home, my ma was at her desk which is right by the computer so yeah... but i was out till late last night cause i went to pearl ridge mall w/ kim, gen, cindy, kerin, jenna, julie, coryn, and dan. they went costume shopping. i found this kick ass cane with a mirro attacthed to it. :)

after that, me, kim, and gen went to emily's house, but she was crashed. and then we went to safeway and got kool-aid and crystal shave-ice cakes. then we went to the park in liliha and ate them and ate gen's lychi candy and talked. we also saw some lighting. cool.

today i went to riflery. we almost got kicked out of mckinely. me and jeff and steve were playing w/ some lumber and the head custodian yelled at us and then she got a coach to yell at us. fucking bitch, i was just trying to find out what the real problem was and she got all belligerent at us... fucking bitch. fuck, she said i was getting all wise and cocky with her. fuck her. and then i also went to go see the blair witch 2 w/ kim and jenna. after that we met up w/ dae won, steve, and dennis at zippy's. then me and kim went to go drop jenna off, and dae won and dennis were supposedly following us, but dennis got lost in traffic and so we went to aloha to wait for him, and then after about half an hour they found us at aloha. so we played for 15 minutes and then me and kim had to leave cause she had to be home and i have home work to do. so, i bid thee all fare well. bye bye.

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