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2000-12-21 - 02:31:36

guess where i am.

no, im not in hell... yet. im at kerin's house which is pretty close to hell. no, not really, but it seemed like a fun thing to say at the time.

well, lets see, today, what did i do?

i kept waking up really early... like i remember waking up at something like 4:39 A.M. i felt like shit this morning. i couldnt really sleep, i had a headache, my throat hurt, and i couldnt get comfortable on my bed. damn... that sucked. so i popped two pills. i like pills.

okay, well then i woke up at like 7:45 or something, frick... that pissed me off. shit. so i just ended up watching TV all morning. i also downloaded napster, but earlier tonight my dad told me to get rid of it... oh well, it was fun while it lasted. i was able to get like four songs. i got "sleep now in the fire," "people of the sun," "mic check," and "calm like a bomb." i especially like people of the sun. its such a cool song.

im playing monopoly for two people right now. kim and kerin. okay, nevermind, the game ended. jenna saw no point in playing anymore cause no one else was playing and it was getting confusing. i concur with her.

oh well... tonight was a good night either way.

smile/wave girl called me tonight! we talked for a long time. and the whole time i was at kerin's house too. so i spent most of the night so far in kerin's room talking to her. and kerin and jenna and kim kept saying i was having phone sex with her. AND I SO WAS NOT!!! but its all good. and tomorrow im gonna spend another day with her. :) yeah, her friend called her up and asked her what she was gonna be doing tomorrow, and she said she was just gonna spend the day with me. so her friend said to ask me if i wanted to go to her friends house. so yeah, i think im gonna go spend tomorrow with a bunch of freshmen girls. oh well... now they CANT SHAFT ME! he he he... im so evil. oh well. i still get to spend the day with smile/wave girl. he he he...

and oh mah gawd. she is so mean! she called me today, and i told her i was watching the powerpuff girls, and she had the gall to ask if i liked them "in that way." so i was all offended... but nah, its all good cause i know she was joking and i was joking back with her. he he he, oh well. okay, well. im gonna go wait upstairs for the pizza guy to deliver our pizza. peaches.

Previously on - Currentlier

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