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2000-12-20 - 03:23:40

mah gawd... im frickin tired. but i still had a FUCKING GREAT DAY.

i went to school today, not like some of y'all. and well, i actually went to some of my classes. infact, i even did some work in two of them. i didnt bother to go to per. 3 cause one guy i saw in my per. 3 said lusk wasn't taking role, so i was "aw fuck her then!"

but either way, i spent the day walking around with smile/wave girl. basically all day. i mean, okay, i was walking around with her from period 2 on. till 430 pm today i was walking around with her.

well, we met up during the faculty-JV game after i intro-ed her to oki. and after that she asked if i wanted to just walk around school. so we went and walked around the school once, and then we went through a-bldg. and then we went to dane's art class. but then, all of a sudden, the bell rang so she had to rush back to the gym to go get her bags cause she left um there. so i walked her there and then we went to rotc so i could pick up my stuff. well, lets put it this way... im pretty sure major and sgt. know by now. cause major said "gee, with the ammount your down here, i thought you were gonna join!" and sgt. said something about how she was on powderpuff... i dont know, i try not to listen to him. hes fairly stupid. oh, and later on today, i saw kyle at the mall and he said that major asked if smile/wave girl was my new "fling." oh well, at least i dont gotta see them for two weeks.

hmm... lets see... after we got my bags, we went up to mrs. d's class cause i had to give her a gift. so we went and chilled up there for a while till school ended. after that we went looking for dane. that took a while... but we found him.

so after we found him, me, dane, whitney, smile/wave girl and trevor went walking down to makiki so we could drop our stuff off. so i think trevor and whitney went to village market to go get some eats while me and smile/wave girl went to my house to go drop off our stuff, and dane went to his house to go ask his sister for a ride and drop off his stuff too.

so, after she dropped her stuff off at my house, we walked down to dane's house to go to get a ride. his sister's bf gave us a ride instead. hes cool man! hes getting almost a free ride at HARVORD on football. damn... but his car sucks. i almost got locked in. even he had trouble opening the damn thing.

yeah, so when we got there we found blair and jenna pretty quick.

Smile/wave and i walked around alone for the first 30 minutes while blair, jenna, and dane ate. during that time... you wont believe how many people we saw that shes friends with... it was brutal. they ALL gave me odd looks. and to make it worse, some of her wrestling buddy's were there too... and i know some of them... and they were giving me funny looks too.. *ouch* only one of them was cool. tiffany. she was all like "hey, wassup?"

i was like "hey, howzit" *shakes hand* "im ryan."

"im tiffany."

yeah, she was cool cause she was the only one who didnt look at me funny. and then one of her male friends just shafted me. i was talking to him, or at least trying to, and he just fuckin answered me and walked away. fuck him... im gonna fuck him up in rotc.

no im not, but oh well...

and then we met up w/ blair and dane and jenna after they ate. so the 5 of us went walking around not really shopping. well, i liked walking around with them. jenna's funny. she was acting all salty that she was the "third wheel" cause blair and dane were walking together and me and smile/wave girl, so she was going back and forth between groups. oh, and she also told smile/wave girl to be firm with me. jenna was acting all big sister like to her. and i think she took some of it serious. she was being all mean to me! [no, she wasnt... if anything, i was being mean to her:)]

well, we spent till 3 with dane and jenna cause blair left at 230. then we had to catch the bus back to makiki. the fuckin bus didnt come for another 35 minutes. shit. and well, she had previously decided not to go to wrestling so, yeah... i hope none of the wrestling peoples that saw us together think anything of me now... i prefer when people dont have an opinnion of me cause its normally bad...

so, when we were going up to my appartment to pick up her stuff, my neighbor just had to be sitting outside of her door. fuck. so i hope to avoid her for a while. a LONG while, before she starts to talk to me about her... cause im really not sure where we are in a relationship...

and well, so, we got her bags and we're walking so she askes to use my phone to call her mom to pick her up at roosevelt. but she couldnt get in contact w/ her mom so she called up her grandma. she ultimately decided to go to her grandma's house. she was gonna walk there so i told her i'd walk her there. its only a short walk. so i walked her to her grandmas house, we had our interesting conversations on the way. its a lot easier to talk to someone in person than it is on the phone i have just realized.

well, yeah, then i went to the peer ed party when i got home and showered/slept. the food was good, but i wasnt all that hungry... i was more tired than anything. i ended up eating only like a plate's worth of food. everyone else basically ate a lot more than me. oh well... and i also got a shirt from my secret santa. and kristin, who i was secret santa for, got a kick out of her gifts. i got her these key chain things and a rage single (testify). she really liked her stuff. i feel good. well... yeah... what else?

hmm... yeah... thats about it. i also talked to her tonight for a little bit, so it was all good. peaches.

Previously on - Currentlier

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