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2000-12-23 - 03:18:05

guess where i am... yet again...

nope, im not at kerin's house again. im at oki's houes. at his crap ass party.

okay, so its not so "crap ass" anymore, but it really sucked earlier.

okay, lets put it this way, mike ditched us, we juniors, to go hang with a bunch of sophmores, including one from mckinley. it was really bad, cause me, kerin, kim, jenna, and brandon, who was a junior for the night, had to resort to playing scrabble and cards for a long part of the night till his bitches left. i dont like them because they wouldnt even let us, the older cooler people have the good room. they fucking kicked us out of the room w/ the computer and the tv and the n64 and left us in the other freaking room w/o anything to do cept for a tv w/ a vcr. what bitches.

well, i also got to talk to smile/wave girl from here, so it wasn't entirely a lost night. but yeah, it was still pretty bad. but she made it bearable.

tomorrow, i leave for kauai. i dont really want to go, i'd rather stay here and go out w/ my friends instead of stay at my grandparents house and do my hw.

yep, thats right, i have freaking hw over the damn break in addition to the fucking stuff for lusk. dammit. i have my peer ed paper work and some math hw which i dont really want to touch. but oh well... and then, i also have the community service. i got my mom to sign me up for christmas tree recycling. i know im gonna get sick that day cause some christmas trees give me hives. its the scent, and that really sucks. oh well... i can blame it on lusk.

which reminds me, i saw her yesterday at kahala when i went there w/ smile/wave girl and her friends, it scared me. but nm.

i so do not want to go tomorrow. but... oh well. peaches.

Previously on - Currentlier

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