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2000-12-24 - 03:02:55

im still not at home. that makes three days straight that i havent updated from home. do you know where i am? you freakin should if you dont. i only said where the hell i was gonna be in mjy last entry (last night's one).

so yeah... im on kaua'i right now. backwoods kaua'i. way out here in the boonies where my cell phone works on and off. now for the freaking story about the fucking cell phone. yes jenna, thats right! story time! gather round my friends and listen to the stupid, unorganized tale of my damn cell phone.

all day, me and smile/wave girl have been trying to get into contact with eachother to actually talk conversation style. but the catch is, my nokia, which is a digital phone, cant pick up a signal very well here. in the freaking boonies. so, all day- well, not exactly all day- i've been getting choppy phone calls from her. and its playing hell on me. like, when i first got here, at the airport we were loading our bags into our rental car, and she called [:)]. so i answered, and the freaking sound comes in kinda distorted. and they say digital is better...

and so we talked for about 2-3 minutes. it was a nice short chat infront of my parents so i couldnt really say anything sweet yeah? damn. and then we say our good-byes and yeah. and then, later on, i was at kukui groove. the only freaking mall on the island. so i have the next hour to spend there cause it only took me 30 minutes to find what i needed to. so i go wandering all around the mall (the very very small mall which i will talk about later) and im looking for a place where i can send a page to smile/wave girl. it took me a hella long time to find that place. there's hardly any reception anywhere on this damn island. fucking backwoods. well, i sent her a page and a voice mail a little while later. and yeah... she eventually got it.

and then, around 750ish, i was trying to call her! but nooooooo! freaking the gods of communication wanted to be an ASS to me. they wouldnt let me get a signal, and when i did, guess what happened... SHE HAD A BUSY SIGNAL!!! what the fuck is that? i mean c'mon... what kinda sick god is that? stupid gods of digital cell phones. tryin ta piss me off. they god damned succeded.

it took us till like 830 till we could talk. and thats only cause she called me. its stupid, cause if people call me, it works, sorta. but i friggin cant call people. stupid cell phone. well, yeah, we were talking and we kept getting cut off a hella lot. so we kept calling eachother back. like, 22 trillion times. i counted each time. it got so rediculous, we both agreed that this was something to tell the kids about when we get older. im not saying that we're gonna be together till then, but y'know?

but, oh mah gawd... the mall. i swear to god, its worse than kahala mall. minus kahala's movie theaters. i swear to god, this mall is so small, and the stores there suck so much cock. i've never wished i were dead so much. i hate that mall. if you can call it a mall. i hate it here.

blair, if you hate oahu cause theres nothing to do there, then do not leave that island for another one. especially this one. well, the other islands cept for maybe the big island are probably worse... not to mention, theres no cartoon network here. that means no gundam or powerpuff girls.

oh, and i met my cousins bf. hes cool. he played football at kalani and he played on roosevelts field back in '88. he just laughed when i said roosevelt is all ghetto now. i think he might agree. i hate our freaking ghetto school and its dirt track and its freaking stairs and hills. but i like the girls at our school. okay, not all of them, but a lot of them are cool. and some of them are cute. and some of them are hot. and a lot of them are bitches though. but still, the cool ones are good enough. oh, yeah. and the cute ones too. but the cute ones also fit into the cool section so... yeah.

i miss smile/wave girl. shes so sweet. when she called, she asked if i could come back for her. i told her i wanted to SO badly. cause i do. if i could, i would walk back to her. it cant be all that bad. give me some comfortable shoes, some socks, some gatorade, some powerbars, i'll make the walk. i'd walk anywhere for her. hell, we've just about walked everywhere anyway... i miss her. *sniff*

aight, well, im gonna go before i get more sappy. peaches.

Previously on - Currentlier

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