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2000-12-26 - 02:48:08

oh mah gawd! its about damn time... i'm finally updating from my home computer. its been like what? four? five days? oh well... it doesnt matter. im home and i get my nice clutterd room and my cell phone works now too!

but man... getting into my house was the shits!

man... there really is no place like home. well, no, actually sometimes i like going to other places better. like, i like schofield barracks, even if it is freezing and then 5 feet away you're sweating like a pig. but its just the stuff you get to do there, like play army, now thats what its all about.

back to the subject. man, when i got home, i loved it. i got to open my presents and dude, i got some GOOD shit. man, i got some cool ass stuff. i got "full metal jacket" for the DVD! that thing is dope.

i also got a small knife, a few shirts (one of them has color in it too!), some money, a few gift cards, and one toy!

oh mah gawd though, the shirt i got is dope! its like, bage-ish-white-ish as the main color, and its got like puke green and orange horizontal and vertical stripes. plus, its got one of those sleeve pockets. and all in a button up collared shirt. my favorite kind of over shirt. and it all came with a nice and heart-felt christmas card. thank you smile/wave girl. :)

oh... and this is my christmas present to all of you people who dont know who she is yet. smile/wave girl is erin tagomori. i figure, that should be an adequete chirstmas present for y'all. merry christmas and a happy friggin new year. peaches.

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