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2000-12-27 - 05:13:04

fuck, my throat is sore again, and my heart/right lung feels like its on fire when i cough really hard. and fucking nyquil doesnt work on me. i hope i dont die yet. i found something to live for. so yeah...

i went to ala moana with dane today. i ended up spending too much money. i got a poster of rage against the machine for the door to my room (its going on the outside of my door), i also got a red star partch for my wallet (more on that later), and i also got taka an earing, its 8 guage so, its mother fucking big. that blew most of my day. and the whole time we were there, freakin blair was supposed to be there too. but she didnt wanna freakin show up cause she was with her boy toy having sex or something. i tell you... some people.

so yeah, me and dane are salty now.

and then, i went out tonight again. but that didnt go so well. we couldnt figure out what to do so yeah. that sucked.

and dammit. erin's at wrestling camp. this leaves me with short phone calls from her friends cell phone. god dammit. and to make it worse, her freakin camp goes till sunday evening. and that leaves me with one or two more days i can spend with her. and to make it even more worse than that, her mother is kinda over-protective, so she doesnt quite trust me that much. i think its because a lot of parents have that looming image that all high schoolers just wanna have sex, and the older you are, the more important it becomes, and since im a 11th grader, and shes a 9th, it really doesnt look good on my part. damn my age. oh yes... and then theres the factor of money. i told her i would take her to lunch. i have $7 left. if i take money from my bank account, i'll have another $35 more. but i dont think i should take that much. so i'll take $23 and have an even $30 to take her to lunch on. ah, algebra, where would i be with out you. probably the same place i am right now... but lets not get into that.

and god dammit crystal, how the freak was i supposed to know that you already knew, or that nikki knew for that matter? i was stranded in the boonies for the three days before i told everyone. i mean, c'mon. how was i truly supposed to know? i didnt think anyone really cared about who people are in my life. y'know? i mean, why the fuck would anyone care about the shit in my life? its only me. im not that fucking important that y'all need to keep in contact with my happenings. so, geez... let up willya?

aight, peaches.

Previously on - Currentlier

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