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2001-01-13 - 06:00:57

i think erin's really kinda pissed at me right now. well, that is if she were awake right now. but i doubt she is. but she's probably none too happy either way. i think it all started after school today...

i was supposed to go out and get some eat's with her, because that's what we had planned the night prior. but moving along, i had to get started on my job as the S-3, so that meant i had to start learning the shit. today, and afterschool was convenient for deyson, so ofcourse, i had no choice seeing as how i couldnt put it off till tomorrow. so dammit, i couldnt go get food, or see erin. so yeah, she was none too thrilled about that. i still hung around her for 10 minutes afterschool trying to at least soften the blow, but i dont think it really worked as well as i had hoped for.

and then, later on in the afternoon, i was talkin to yusef on the phone, and well, she tried calling me, but my line was busy, so she called my cell and i was talking to her on my cell while i had yusef waiting on my house phone. she said she felt like "what the hell" or something to that effect, and so she was once again, none to happy as i get the message she was trying to send across. strike two.

and then, she called my cell while jevon was driving, mike, yusef, and myself to go meet up w/ jenna, anthony, ben, dom, etc. and just at that time, yusef was busy lighting up and i was of course amused by this seeing as how this was my first time being with stoners while they were getting stoned. so yeah, i was busy laughing at yusef trying to light up while the car was moving and the wind was blowing. as you can imagine, it was rather funny. and i dont think erin believes me or yusef when we both specifically told her that i dont smoke weed. i think she does think i do. so i'm not sure whats running through her mind right now, and that scares me. this cant be good, y'know? three strikes in one day. not good.

oh well, other than that, my day wasn't so bad. yusef, jevon, and mike stoned are funny. especially yusef, he gets even more sarcastic and it's just down right funny being around jevon when he sings while stoned. he really gets into it. like he'll try for the high notes and everything. i wonder if he notices it?

oh, and just to let you know, ask dom what jenna's new name is. i wont say it because there's a dollar fine on saying it, but i dont think dom gives a damn about that, so ask him.

i met a new girl while we (the four of us) were hanging out w/ jenna's group. this girl bri (sp?). she goes to lutheran. shes a junior too and she found that ammazing. not really, but she liked the fact that she was meeting people her age. no, we didnt "hit it off" or anything, shes going out with dom (i get the impression of that anyway) and i was busy thinking about erin anyway. but yeah, we were talking. and the scary part is that it was easier to just waltz up and talk to her than anything with girls i've ever done. maybe it's because i didnt know her and didnt bother to try to make an impression upon her. i kinda just walked up to her and said "hey, mind if i hang out over here and talk to you? cause they're getting stoned over there and i dont want to do that kinda stuff." and then i introduced myself and yeah, we started talking and yeah, so maybe we did "hit it off" to an extent? but no, nothing in the way of attraction. but i wouldn't mind talking to her again, she seems cool enough to not have shafted me or anything. but no, i remember that i still have a girlfriend. as for how long? i'm not sure anymore... especially if she's really pissed at me. i hope shes not...

okay, well, yeah. thats it for now. peaches.

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