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2001-01-12 - 02:47:04

going to IHS was... interesting. it was as i suspected when looking at them. its kind of like a zoo. you look at them from a door way, which is like looking at an animal from the viewing area. but the thing is, they look back at you, and they're thinking something, but you're not quite sure. it's not really un-nereving, but it's kind of different i guess.

i spent my time there organizing, soaps, conditioners, and various other toiletries into sepparate boxes with blair and chirstine fujino. i did a little bit of clothes folding too. but i didnt get that "i feel fulfilled to have helped my fellow human being" feeling. was i supposed to?

oh well, i stubbed my toe playing basketball in rotc today. it's fairly swollen and a little sore to walk on. but i wont die to most of your displeasure.

oh, and if you dislike to hate eric fujishige, feel free to verbally beat him in my guestbook. i pretty much dislike him myself. he's going around spreading lies and rumors about me. they dont really bother me, but they bother erin so i feel compeled to kick his ass. but she wont let me so i'll leave it be. not that i wouldn't mind kicking his ass for my own pleasure, but i shant as i must boost my ego in the following paragraph...

if i were to kick his ass, i'd lose my new job which i've held for just over two days now. i'm the new S-3 (training and operations officer) in training. with the job come's three promotions. i get to become a senior non-com. heh, eric, as well as a lot of other people are going to be pissed at that. it's only a temporary promotion though. but it leave's me promotable if i pass the promotion board to be conducted after the Formal Inspection. i'm somewhat afraid of that, but, hey, it's worth it to have more clout when yelling at stupid people. and if ake decides to give me that "rank mean's nothing" i'll just drop his ass and make him push till he cant and then some. i'm sure he'll just walk away, but i just want to try and trip out on power at least once. it's an experience i've heard that is like none other. it must be good if it drives people insane.

okay, i'll stop now. peaches.

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