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2001-01-15 - 05:53:35

i had a fairly good day today. i even got to play risk which is what made it a good day. but more on the risk game later.

the day started off with what i'd call an "early morning." i woke up around 7 or 8, i dont quite remember, and then i fell asleep again (who would've thought?). then i woke up at 9 or so and waited for erin to call for the next hour. in the meantime, i ate breakfast, watched TV, and brushed my teeth. erin just happened to call my just as i was brushing my teeth. she told me that we'ed moved the rendevous time back on hour. so we'ed meet at 12. damn, another hour to wait. so i spent the time, sleeping, watching my ratm tape, ironing my shirt, and reading, in no particular order.

ah, finally, the time to roll comes around. so, i get into the car, and we head out west towards pearl ridge.

i get there early, and erin's not there, so there i am standing around like a jackass waiting for her to show up. she was two minutes late. tsk.

well, we went to go see "save the last dance." it was crowded again. and it was the matinee show too. oh well. yes, i did see it again. all for a girl too. you see what i'll do for a chick? *crack* i'm whipped.

well, after that we walked to mike's house and played video games for half an hour and then his sister gave us a ride back to pearl ridge.

upon arriving back at the mall, we went uptown to go wait for her parents for the next fourty-five minutes. well, we burned 15 minutes at the music store, looking for ratm and cypress hill stuff for me. and then we were gonna go to walden books cause thats where she was gonna get picked up, but her parents were already there waiting, so we ended up waiting across the walkway from them just so she wouldnt have to leave and i wouldnt have to explain it being just the two of us, yet again. for the third time. they just might be catching on. but then again, erin thinks they're in denial. so i dont know. apparently, she claims they dont want to know that we're going out. i'll just wait to be beaten later on.

well, after she was picked up, with out them noticing me, i went home and on the way home, i got another invite to go out. wow, i'd hardly be home today! jenna and friends are going bowling, havent done that in a while.

so off i went in the next hour to bowl at fort shafter. i didnt break 100, but i did beat ben at one game. i felt good about that. but i still suck.

then we went to go pick up kerin, and meet ben, dom, and anthony at zippy's. we then decided to go to ben's house. this is where the night got fun.

at ben's house, i watched ben whittle away at a stick to make a steak. that was cool. and then i watched happy roll a joint. maybe i'll try show yusef how to do it, if i can do it myself. happy says it takes practice, so we'll see. and i also taught anthony how to use ben's bb gun.

but, the night took on fun when ben busted out risk. i ended up playing risk against anthony and dom. anthony got really lucky. he ended up with all of the continent africa upon first setting up. i ended up with scattered countries here and there, but i did have most of north america. so i ended up conquering NA by the time i left, but i also had nothing else. oh well, i defeated anthony in our final battle before i had to leave. it was an intense one might i add. 20 of his to 23 of mine. i won with 3 left. it was a fight for the ages. if this were real, i think it'd have gone down in the history books as a fight with many heroes. okay, i'll shut up now. oh well. it was a good one.

and on the way home, me and jenna were talking about how marijuana isn't necessarily a bad drug. we both agree that people who smoke pot arent bad and are funny too. we also agree that people shouldnt consider people who do dope as bad cause they are good people who do stupid things. oh well, oppinions are like ass holes, every body's got one.

i go now. peaches.

P.S. Erin and I made one month today.

Previously on - Currentlier

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