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2001-01-16 - 03:21:48

wow... i woke up fairly late (for me) today. 11:30 about. just thought i'd share.

i feel like kicking the crap out of eric fujishige. mother fucker is saying shit about me and bothering the piss out of erin. but god dammit, she wont let me beat the crap out of him. i think it'd be very ammusing beating the living snot out of him. dont you? but its kind of too easy i think. i always do enjoy a good challenge. i should try fighting someone who can beat the crap out of me. which reminds me, me and oki are supposed to box with the gloves that kim, kerin, and jenna gave us for x-mas. we both agreed that what ever breaks breaks, no being a little pussy and whinning and complaining about it.

other than that, nothing really interesting happened to me today.

i should start a cult. i dont know what kind of cult... i just want to be responsible for something. i think that'd be really cool. wouldnt you like to be responsible for social change? well, if it works for you that is. i'm sure you wouldnt like to be responsible for something stupid like, "from now on, everyone must wear bra's when working with machinery." i dont know, just something stupid like that, y'know?

oh, last night, jenna and i were talking at the bowling alley. we were discussing the chest bump that guys do. but, let me work my way there. we were giving eachother high fives with good bowls. so when i gave her a high five, she complained "why do i get the weak girly ones?"

so, i responded with a manly high five. and we continued to do the high five thing, only with me giving her the manly ones. then we discussed doing other things, and the chest bump came up. she said "no" to that on the basis that it'd hurt. then she got into how it'd really hurt girls with larger chests. but she was thinking about how it'd affect her and girls with smaller than her or a little larger. i have come to the conclussion that it wouldnt hurt those people because first of all, they'd end up bumping with the upper chest which isn't sensitive. but, the female anatomy is somewhat different than my own, so i'd like to hear what all you girls have to say about this. would it hurt those with smaller chests? just put it in my gb or something.


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