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2001-01-29 - 03:04:41

i've found a kick ass web site- they're a bunch of white hip-hop artists. they're pretty cool, cause its like, underground hip-hop. not just regular hip-hop like dmx or mary j. blige or any of that other shit, but like, full on hip-hop. with the whole rhyme scheme and all. its like fuckin' a man. go check it out.

what else did i do today?

i watched the super bowl. i wanted to giants to win. dont know why, maybe it was some sort of subliminal psychic message from erin? she wanted them to win too, but i didnt find that out till later to night. either way, the lost pretty damn badly. 34-7. but it did have its uh, interesting moment. three touchdowns scored in 36 seconds. that was pretty funny. and lets see... what else? oh, they had a few good comercials. but, no, not all that many.

i also watched survivor outback today. not bad. i hear that that kel guy has a good chance of winning. he's an army military intelligence officer. we'll see.

i hardly did anything today, and i hope that it helps keep me relaxed for tomorrow. i know i'm gonna stress out and my palms are going to sweat and my knees are going to shake and i'm going to really want to pee. but we'll see how it all works out.

adios. peaches.

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