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2001-01-28 - 03:06:39

i've found my comfort food. popsicles. aint nothing a flavored piece of frozen sugarwater. i know that sounds pathetic, especially seeing as how a guy shouldn't need a comfort food, but hey, its the truth. it's been there for me in the past few weeks helping keep my sanity level there (points at nothing in particular but is intended to give the person the idea that it- it being my sanity- is at an acceptable level).

well, today, i got to sleep in. a little bit. i got to wake up after 7 for once. and i got to school when the sun was well on its way past the horizon. that made me feel a little bit better. why was i at school? because i'm a dork who goes to school on weekends. yes, i am. i went to school to work on cleaning my staff area and work on my staff briefing for the inspection on monday. oh shit. i am so not prepared for this. i dont want to do this. i dont want to do this. i dont want to do this.

i wonder just how merciful god is?

someone shoot me.

thats been the staple of my diary entries for the past three entries i think? "someone shoot me." i think i've said that in all past three. if i havent, the oh fucking well. i'm making it the staple now bitch!

i'm tired. but i dont think i can sleep. i dont really want to sleep though. i'm afraid that if i sleep, monday is going to come a lot sooner than i expected. monday scares me to no end. i am very afraid i'll piss my pants in front of those guys. they intimidate me. infact, one of them is supposed to be 6 foot something. and that'll very well intimidate me to be talking to a guy whos as tall as me when he's sitting. okay, so maybe he's not really that tall, but its just the mental picture i get.


Previously on - Currentlier

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