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2001-02-01 - 02:40:17

guess who's going to the frosh/soph. shouldnt be that hard. if you dont guess it, you're a dumbass who shouldnt be allowed to breed.

yeah, my mom signed the paper without much fanfare, all the better for me though. but, somewhat disturbingly, she did notice erin's name. yeah, i just told her to not tell my sister, cause that would be even further more disturbing seeing as how my sister would razz me about it.

oh, and thank you shannon for saying that i'm a good boy for going to see erin in the morning. eric told erin that i'm just there because i have to be there because we have the same first period together. well eric can go suck a cow's udders.

speaking of that numb nuts... today i was talking to sheldon fujiwara- hes a freshman i'm offering the S-3 position to for next year if i get to turn it over- about random meaningless stuff. and then i brought up the S-3 job, and he started to tell me "oh, but eric said that you cant just offer me jobs... blah blah blah eric said this eric said that."

so i just blew up at him: "dont listen to that fucking cock sucker, he doesnt know shit! he was fucking fired from the S-4 last year! he cant tell you shit, hes just a fucking moron! dont listen to him about anything!" i felt good, and i think i might've convinced sheldon to not listen to that twat.

yeah, i really really dislike that little ugly commie bastard twinkle-toes shit bag.

anyway... i also went to go see erin after school. we were out in the concrete courtyard infront of the school trying to aviod being seen by wrestlers because she was supposedly "cooling off" for 45 minutes. so yeah... that was cool.

oh, and one more thing before i go. lee anne is a bitch. she said erin looks like me, then she said she looks like she could be my sister. and then she said that i was making out with my "sister." so shes a bitch. but the other lee anne is cool cause she tied my shoe lace for me. oh, just so you know, the bitch lee anne is lee anne mathews. the cool one is luga. just to clarify whose ass you should go kick. KICK LEE ANNE MATHEWS BUTT!


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