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2001-02-02 - 02:37:36

man... today was an emotional day for me... as well as the rest of the peer ed class. too bad you missed it blair. you missed out on a lot.

well, lets just put it this way, incest is frickin serious. i mean... its like... really deep. it got the whole class today. and if i hear any of y'all making a joke about this. i'm gonna fucking punch you first thing i do when i see you. i mean, it strikes me as something that just aint right. it got me to the point that i didnt go to period 5 cause i couldnt watch schindlers list after hearing about that stuff.

but yeah... that kinda brought me down to earth...

hmm... today i was helping brian down in the rotc room with deyson. we were the only fuckers in the room for a good hour or so. we each scored something. yeah! free stuff!

and then at 4 erin came down to meet me. so yeah, we were talking to deyson and brian for a while and then they went to go run a little, so me and erin went to upper campus and walked around a bit. boss made a few comments to her about me, and i made a few back to her. it was all good. boss is cool.

i'm trading $50 from sharper image to get $50 from its a deal with my dad cause i want to get some music DVD's. so yeah... deal is a deal.

oh, and kyle said that erin looks like me too. that's just really disturbing. ick.

i go now. peaches.

Previously on - Currentlier

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