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2001-02-05 - 981378171

go check my guestbook. the pic there made me laugh a small bit. that was pretty funny. so go now! NOW NOW NOW!

if you didnt go, you deserve to be shot! with what? thats up to you because i doubt you'll really be shot anyhow...

today i fell good about myself. every single thing i ate today, i prepared. including the orange juice i drank at breakfast. but then again.. most of what i made was rather simple: two eggs, easy over; portugese sausage; on top of rice. that was breakfast. for lunch i boiled my own water and had a bag of maruchan ramen. i even added my own vegtables. some letuce, cabbage, and a cellery stalk. but i didnt eat dinner. but for a snack tonight, i made my own cocoa and toast. i feel so femmine now... dammit.

other than that, nothing new happened today. you all suck!

Previously on - Currentlier

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