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2001-02-06 - 03:31:41

man... today was cold. too cold for my pleasure. but it's better than being warm because you can do something about the cold. being warm, you kinda just gotta deal with it. yep, being cold, you can put more clothes on, but being warm, you can only take so many articles of clothing off before you reach indecency. ya heard?

i enjoy the cold. things just seem calmer in the cold.

oh! blair is back! yay! i missed her. its funny, when your friends are here, you never really think about what it'd be like when they're gone, but when they're gone, you really miss them. yeah, i'll admit it, i missed blair. no one to really beat up on in peer ed. i can only beat up on boss so much. yeah... infact i missed blair so much i gave her a hug when i first saw her. i think it blew her mind. did it blair? did it? huh? did it?

other than that, nothing of real interest happened today. oh, well except for the fact that erin came over for about an hour today. but you know how that goes. i beat her up, she beats me up. watch tv. yeah. no blair. we dont do the kinds of kinky things you do with your "friend" cause we're not like that. :)


Previously on - Currentlier

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