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2001-02-10 - 02:56:36

okay, today just ended kinda shit-like.

it was all going good until just before i got off the phone w/ erin.

first off, i woke up kinda early. i like that all the time.

then, i made erin happy by taking a picture with dae won for an un-named friend of erin's.

brown bags was cool too. tom band should've won. i'm sorry blair, but i really didnt like tiffany yuen. she just sucks ass. next year, i wanna go up there with someone else and go do something. if i can get one other person, i wanna do some cypress hill shit. if i can get two more guys, i wanna do some beastie boys.

uhm... i went to go watch intramurals at lunch. damn mike, you're right. ryan doesnt pass and when he does, they're junk passes.

uhm... and yeah... then i went to stevenson (while escaping work in rotc) to go watch erin play b-ball. and then we had a nice little talk and it was all good... etc. and so forth and so on.

but, it all started when we were finishing up our conversation. yeah, i probably said something i shouldnt have. y'know, maybe i'm not as funny as i think i am to her. she doesnt really like my jokes i think. hmm... oh well, i guess i gotta learn yeah?

oh shit man... i gotta go play basket ball tomorrow. and what makes it even worse is that erin's gonna be there at 9ish for girls JV practice. nooo... shes gonna see how bad i suck. oh god... i'm gonna get schooled by my girlfriend. dude... this bites serious ass. fuck.

plus i gotta buy her some gifts... and i only have $40 to spend. i dont like this.

Previously on - Currentlier

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