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2001-02-13 - 02:48:08

whew... man, do i have a load off my chest!

erin's not really angry at me, but we do have a problem. un mucho problemo.

her mother.

erin's mom doesnt really want us going out, so shes limited us to being friends. nuts. so me and erin aren't "going out," we're "just friends." to erin's mom thats the case anyway. man, we used to joke about our relationship being a big series of covert operations, trying to be incognito and not letting people in on it, and now look at the scope of how far it has to go. shit!

oh, and her mom wont let her go to the jr. prom with me either. so i dont know if i really wanna go. man, that stinks. she said she basically could go with anyone but me (which is a pretty stupid thing to say if you tell me, but then again, look at the whole situation). i know what y'all are saying "get her to go with someone else and then switch off you FUCKIN' DUMB ASS!" let me defend myself first. i suggested that, but erin didnt really wanna do that so, its a no go. maybe i'll ask someone as a friend... we'll see how things go. why the fuck do the contracts have to go out so soon? sorry contract guys... just trying to place blame somewhere and y'all were the first ones to come to mind. i have nothing against you and y'all are doing a bang up job.

its kinda got me down this whole situation... but i'm okuno god dammit! i'll get through this fucker of a problem.

anyway... moving on to another problem...

tiffany roloos is taking her job as the Command Sergeant Major too seriously. shes being all bitchy to the drill team just cause deyson and we had a minor altercation. fuck. she told us, this morning that she wanted us to have a sequence prepared by tomorrow. well, guess what. it takes a LONG time to make a sequence that everyone can do. especially when you have a range of skill from not too great to fuckin' a. me? i fall in the not too great- reece and taka fall in the fuckin' a (and they're the only other fuckers on the team right now so guess where that places me). so yeah, and then we went to go talk to dae won about it and he reversed her orders, and then she went and bitched to major and koki about it, and so then koki reversed the order of dae won to tiffany's orders and now we have to have the fucker ready by tomorrow... albeit changed because deyson doesnt want to do it now. so, yeah. we're pretty much being fucked over because tiffany cant keep her trap shut. and i know that if i speak out against her, she'll be all pissy at me and so will deyson cause they're fuckin'each other up the ass. but i kind have to because i'm the closer to the instructors of the three remaining drill team peoples. nuts. oh, yeah, and steve is supporting us on this, so yeah. he's cool.

but y'know what else gets my goat? shes (tiffany) is gonna be battalion commander next year, and that means that if someone pisses on deyson's shoes, we're all gonna suffer the wrath of it. and i know shes gonna tear me a new ass hole because i'm a little lax on the discipline matter. i mean, if you do your job, why not let you have a little bit more freedom on how you act, y'know? i dont particularly like to yell at people and shit, so why be mean? i've become a nicer guy, and it makes dealing with people like her who are mean all the more difficult.

stupid work place.

oh well, i got a lot of cookies today. and they're fuckin' great! they're soft and chewy, but man, they're just the right blend of chocolate and cookie. man, i was in heaven when i was eating those.

oh dude! no! we have a math test tomorrow and i gotta practice for drill team too! god no! oh well... i think i'm gonna fail either way. nut sack. bovine nut sack! i dont know what to do. oh, and i gotta sell rings tomorrow at lunch, dammit! and i promised erin i'd go watch intramurals with her. i hate being so busy. maybe i should tell blair to up my order from one yellow rose to a little more? no. it losses its specialness with more than one, and i dont have the money to get a dozen. fuck. i hate money right now.

i've been listening to cypress hill all night. i particularly like tequila sunrise now, and dr. greenthumb aint too bad either. ya' heard?

this has ended up fairly long, so i'll cut it here. adios.

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