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2001-02-14 - 02:58:08

tomorrow is valentine's day. the day which we devote to a man hung by the state for breaking the law in the name of god and love. oh, and also the day in which a notorious gangster used a tompson sub-machine gun to massacre a crowd of people. just thought i'd add that one in as a f.y.i.

tomorrow also marks 2 months for me and erin. yep... hardly seems like it. oh well. we're not really going out anymore. thats how her mother sees it at least.

i think i broke another finger today. i was spinning, well more like throwing and catching the rifle in perio 2 today because i wasnt really needed, and well, i know i brusied my palm, and i think i broke my left ring finger. its pretty sore. well, nothing to bad that i cant handle. but its kinda annoying.

oh, and my right hand thumb is missing a piece of skin. a farily substantial ammount of skin might i add.

and fuck! napster is relly pissing me off. i have only a 56k modem, and i've benn trying to use it to download rap superstar by cypress hill. but for the past three nights, i havent been able to get past 88%. every fucking time it transfer error's me, no matter who i'm downloading it from. and its really pissing me off.

hmm... last night i finished the bear and the dragon. 1026 pages. it was a really good book. i couldnt really put it down in the last 250 pages or so. great book.

oh man... i still need to do two training schedules by the end of the week. shit. okay... i gues i better get going. adios.

p.s. i failed my math test today and jenna refuses to be my "back-up date" to the jr. prom

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