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2001-02-18 - 15:29:32

well, i missed last nights update. once again. y'know, updating doesnt mean as much to me as it used to. which is kinda odd. i wonder why? oh well... i'll ponder on that later.

yesterday i went and played b-ball for rotc. i really need to work on my court awareness and passing skills if i'm to function where i porbably will, as point guard. and no shooting for me unless absolutly no one else has a shot or anything. and i really dont want to shoot.

but at least i made the team. i like that part.

speaking of b-ball. i went to the jv girls game. it was a pretty good game i guess. kinda unfair though. wainae was spanked man. they were kept at zero in the first quarter and like half of the second. the final score was 61-32 roosevelt. erin had a bad start in the game. she got put in in the middle of the third quater, and she got blocked once and made a turn over and she was just really pissed and frustrated so she couldnt really play well. so they took her out at the end of the third. her coach brought her back in mid fourth quarter and she started to get back into it. at the end of the game she had three or four rebounds, 3 points (3/4 from the line), one blocked shot, and one assist. and one possible steal, not sure on that. she also had one foul i think and was fouled twice. hence taking her to the line for the 4 shots. i dont know if she took any shots from the field. but let me say this. damn, roosevelt has some good outside shooters.

and then me and dae won headed to aloha pool hall and played there for three hours. well, he did. i stopped playing after i got really pissed and didnt talk to anyone.

then we went to safeway and got munchies. i like munchies and that was the end of the night. we went to 7-11 and ate outside of there, which was good because i went in there a lot to go buy more and more food. i like munchies, no matter how bad for my health they are.

alright, i go now. peaches.

Previously on - Currentlier

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