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2001-02-17 - 02:53:58

what happened today? i dont know.

well, lets see... i think i'm finally understanding my math a little better. you dont know how happy that makes me. do you know how embarrasing it is to be failing a class that you've taken multiple times prior? the embarrasment is like no other. it's a humbling experience. especially when there's freshmen in the class who have a better grasp on and all your friends are in higher math classes. its embarrasing. really really embarrasing.

kinda like spelling words wrong.

i get road runner tomorrow! cant wait.

but i also gotta go play b-ball tomorrow morning. at least the girls jv aint gonna be there this time. i think... i hope. please dont be there. i hope the courts aren't wet either.

oh, speaking of b-ball, that reminds me. erin was feeling sick today. she came over to my house after school and took a nap. she looks... i dont know how to say it. good? content? happy? cute? well, somethin' like that sleeping. i couldnt help but smile. i think of it now and i still smile.

yeah... hmm... but shes really sick right now. i think shes got the flu. but the thing is, she might have to start tomorrow against waiane. i hope she doesnt die.

i dont know if i'm going to the jr. prom now. lets recap the whole jr. prom thing. i had orginally planned to go with erin, but... her mother stepped in. so scratch that. then i asked brian, but he didnt get back to me, so i guess we're not going. i also asked jenna to go with me if brian didnt say anything, but... she said she didnt want to be anyone's back-up date, so she said no. and that means i have no options. and just now i think it was julie, not sure, called and asked if i was going. i told her no because i didnt have a bid, but, if someone asked me, then i'd probably say yes. oh well we'll see what happens. i dont really want to go. whats the fun if i cant do anything? grumble grumble grumble...

i go now. adios.

Previously on - Currentlier

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