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2001-02-20 - 03:17:22

so i'm sittin here, drumin' away,

jus' wonderin' what to say.

aint nuthin' commin to my head,

and then my rap jus' went dead.


my lyrical prose just sucks, doesnt it?

well, i went to go play basketball today. not really, i was feelin kinda shitty today. i didnt eat breakfast and i had to take a dump, but i forgot about my urge as i was leaving. so i had stomach cramps for th next four hours or so. that really sucked. but me, leo, and dae won did win a game worth soda's. so we walked up to tim howards house and got our drinks. he lives very far up a hill. so its kinda a bitch walking to his house. but it was alright. i even saw melissa, nikki, and britney on my way home.

now... lets see... i spent the rest of my day downloading songs and sleeping. i did a little bit of my homework... but nothing really. i didnt even do the training schedules, which i was supposed to. i'm behind schedule. i need to do at least two more. preferably three. but i'm so busy doing senseless things. oh well.

the grammys are this week. i dont know, i kinda want eminem to win just to stick it to the gay rights groups. they really piss me off. they act like we dont give a shit about gays, but then they go and parade in XXX rated shit down streets saying its gay pride and what not. non-sense. i have nothing against gay people, just the loud mouth ones who are actually the biggots. i liked those two guys who came to my health class last year, they were cool. some lesbians scare me. especially the ones who chose lesbianism just because they dont like guys. okay... i've gone off on my own tangens... i'll stop now before i get a mailbomb.

i've come to the conclusion that i'm slightly racist, somewhat sexists, and a mean sonuvabitch. i can just feel the explosion burning me and the concussion wave tearing my inards apart. stupid mailbombs. well, i guess thats the only choice seeing as how a car bomb wont really work because i dont drive. yeah, a mailbomb is probably the best way. unless they chose to stab me... but thats unlikely.

i'll go before i start getting really descriptive. adios

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