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2001-02-21 - 03:02:01

i just thought of something.

if someone who doesnt know me read this way back when i first started writting in here, and then stopped reading for whatever reason that may be, started to read it again within the past two and a half months or so, they might think i'm still going out with erin tamashiro. just a random thought brought to you by the same mind that came up with the rest of the shit in this here diary.

well, today... its kinda a blur. uhm... i dont know what happend. really. i know miniscule things here and there, but nothing substantial. all i know is that i'm really tired right now and i have three pairs of Battle Dress Uniforms, six pairs of boot socks, five brown undershirts, a new belt, a new buckle, a new BDU cap, and a pair of boots, that weren't here yesterday. i think it's because i brought them home from school today. you guessed it, thats my Spring Camp issue. i washed them today, took a whole load.

oh, and well, i didnt get to pearl city today. and i really wanted to go... oh well. i'll make it to all the home games and as many away games i can. so that means i'm deffinately going to mckinley, i'll try to make it to kaimuki and farrington, maybe i'll get to go to kalani, doubt i'll be able to make anymore. well, then again, i dont even know if we challenge those teams because all this information is based on who we challenged for riflery and we challenged neither waiane or pearl city. oh well... we'll see.

i'll go now. peaches.

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