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2001-02-25 - 02:44:19

today was the kalaheo basketball tournement. it sucked for me. i had to wake up at 5:15 and get there by like 6:45. so ikaika picked me up at 5:45 and we went to roosevelt to go pick up more people for the car pool. we got to kalaheo in about quarter to 7, so right on time and we went in, got our place and started to warm up.

the warm ups were basicially useless because we had a bye the first game. so, the first game we played was against radford. i swear they had guys on their vars team in there. but our guys did good 8-6 radford. i didnt get anytime in the game, so that kinda made me small kine mad, but it was too close of a game. but what did get my goat was that they let ikaika in and not me. oh well...

whats funny is that the next game we were supposed to play, we got a second bye. so, yeah...

then the second game we played, dae won started me. we were playing against aiea. i didnt get much time in... maybe about two-four minutes. it sucked though cause i didnt shoot and i got taken out early in the game and didnt see anymore time afterward. but we won.

then right after that we went up against kalaheo. i played some relief time in this game, but not a lot. man, they were good. i wouldnt be suprised if they had some JV guys in there. we lost this game, so we got eliminated.

the finals were between kalaheo and radford, the two teams we lost to. so... yeah.

i wish i had had more time. it kinda pissed me off that dae won gave ikaika more time than me. i really wanted to play. but... fuck. oh well.

the girls made it to second place. y'know, i didnt even get a signle shot off through out the whole thing. not a single shot, not a single assist, not a single steal... ih ad absolutly no stats in teh game. that really bit some ass.

oh well... that was pretty much my day. an early start and for no apparent reason.

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