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2001-02-24 - 03:58:34

man... today, again... i dont know what happened today really. it'll come to me as i continue to type, so this entry will be it might not be in any chronological order.

period 1 we had a sub. he was cool, he actually taught us how to really do our hw. i'm not saying anything bad about ms. nagata, what i am saying is that this guy had more time cause all he had to do was correct us and then give us a work sheet. so he had more time to do his teaching thing.

period 2 we did nothing... or rather, i did nothing.

period 3 we took a survey and i got minus 5 for not having my vocab book.

oh, we also did the same style survey in adivisory period what is gay as usual.

in period 4 i ditched and went to the peer ed room instead of doing the thing with the special partners. i just didnt feel like working with them today. it just wasnt right for me.

and then in period 5 i played cards with amy, janie, and shannon. i beat them at B.S. but i almost lost at rich man, poor man.

period 6 we just did a worksheet.

after school i had a quick meeting for the kalaheo basketball meet and then i went to stevenson with erin. the whole time we just spent it making fun of erin. she was helping us. oh, we also made fun of other people too, but mostly erin. and she didnt get mad at me once. :)

and then at 4 i came back to the rotc room to get my CD player from ikaika, but he was stuck in promotion board till abotu 5:15. so i was there for a long time. in the mean time in there, we harrassed sheldon, made fun of epiphani, talked to major and some other non-sense. yep... anyway... that was my day.

oh, i also burned a CD after coming home from zippy's with my family.

i go now. peaches.

Song of the Entry:

"Alphabet Aerobics" by Blacklicious

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