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2001-03-12 - 02:21:12

well, my grandparents came over last night, so yeah. that was nothing really interesting. but when they left, my grandma snuck me $10. i told her she didnt need to, but she insisted. i dont know why grandparents always find it necessary to give their grandchildren money. not that its not liked, but, its just, y'know? not necessary. oh well... maybe if i become a grandparent one day i'll understand. not bloody likely i will though.

i think that if i were a grandfather, i'd be the kind to tell stories of how stupid the kids mother or father was. i'd also be the type to let them do stupid shit. like, "hey, sonny! y'wanna go get drunk with grandpa?" or "hey, kiddo! let's go get stoned in the backyard!" well, maybe not the second one 'cause i dont get stoned, but... who knows what'll be out on the market when i'm 80?

oxygen. thats what'll be out there. i mean, hell, its making its start now. and it took crack 20 years to really make its surge on the open/black market. and its just getting more and more powerful. and weed? well, that and opium have been around forever. didnt you see "history of the world part 1"? they had roman red back in the days just before the roman empire fell. so i say the next big drug will be oxygen. you'll have guys selling quick shots of pure oxygen with a hint of rosemary in it for $30 for a minute. and you'll have bad oxygen going for $80 for a � minute because that'll really give you dellusions. yessir. oxygen will be the next big drug. and then they'll ban breathing.

well, yeah. i did my math homework today. i actually did it this time too. well, all except for three problems, but those were so hard i just looked at 'em and said fuckit. so yep. i ate good today though. my parents got a lot of food from the safeway deli for lunch. chicken breasts, buns, potatoes, and some other stuff. it was grand. i love the chicken breasts pieces and the potato wedges. those are the shits man.

well, aight. i'm outs. ya'heard?

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