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2001-03-15 - 03:01:36

today, me and erin made three months. i call that an accomplishment.

well, she really liked her gift. i think she liked the CD more than the jacket. and to think that blair said the jacket would be enough. but damn, she loved the CD. she liked the jacket too. but the CD she loved.

fuck... i got the worst seat in all of math class. ground zero of the stupidest fucks in the class room. worse than me. fucking, casey and bryson keep taking my shit too. and fucking casey kicked my stuff off the chair too. shit. right behind ezikiel, casey to my left, bryson behind me. quiara to the front right of me, and ashley behind and to the right of me. plus dustin is on my right. but he doesnt talk so... shit. i hate my seat.

and the teachers voted yes for the strike. i'm afraid to know whats gonna happen in the next 3 weeks.

Previously on - Currentlier

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