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2001-03-16 - 02:34:04

i ran my mile again today. did it in 7:18. 12 seconds faster than my last mile, but about oh... 48 seconds slower than what i would've wished. i wanted a 6:30 but i just cant run that fast. my endurance is shot to hell from months upon months of doing nothing more than walking. fuck it.

and then for the rest of the day i was tired. very very tired.

infact i slept almost all of period 6, which was about the only time i could sleep.

i also ate a bag of skittles minus all the orange ones cause i saved those for erin, drank a dr. pepper, and had a free seafood cup of noodles.

oh, i also had some fun in sociology. it mostly consisted of making fun of amy and her making fun of me back. but then again, whats new in that class?

k, well, i'm outta shit to say cause i'm still tired. so... fuck you i'm out.

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