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2001-04-06 - 8:38 p.m.

today, i woke up too damn early. so i slept in. yeah, so i lied. i didnt really wake up. only kinda sorta. i woke up early cause me and erin were supposed to meet somewhere all covertly like. our parents and our friends weren't supposed to know, but then again, thats how we do things most of the time.

anyway... it wasn't till about 1200 that she called me. i was all worried cause she was supposed to call at like 7 or 8. so yeah... i kinda called millilani and her grandma's house. it sucked cause both places she wasnt home. so i had no idea what was going on. but when she did call me, i leapt at the chance to go meet her. i ran to meet her. even though it was rainning, i still ran. when i met her we spent the next 2� hours at booth park. it was fun. we were walking around in the rain... man, what a great day to be alive.

after that i came home. and did the laundry. and watched tv. and slept somemore. i rather like sleep.

oh, yeah, two things. while i was walking to meet erin i tweaked my ankle, so my ankle is kinda sore and i found a penthouse magazine. i'm not gonna lie. i picked it up and i looked at it. the only problem was that the pages were kinda stuck together cause it was rainning while i was walking and the magazine was wet and everything, so needless to say i didnt get very far in looking at it and soon discarded it on the ground.

so yeah... go away now.

Previously on - Currentlier

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