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2001-04-15 - 9:36 p.m.

well today was easter. and easter sucked a big fat piece of poo.

once again, for the second time in these past three days, my plans for taking over the world have gone awry. i mean, my plans for going out have gone awry. can you believe that shit? twice in three days. the fuck is up with that man? the first time was on friday. it involved me supposedly having a few friends over to watch some DVD's. But... no one could come because of the fact that it was julie's birthday. and of course i was broke so i couldnt go get her a present and go there either. so... i stayed home like a fuck and cried myself to sleep (no, i didnt really do that. i just put that in for dramatic effect). and then, today, i had planned to go to pearl ridge w/ sheri and oki and someother people who were gonna answer me today. but... they all had stuff to do. so... once again. i was relegated to staying home like the fuckin' chump i am. you know, all this staying home is making me really salty. seeing the same shit every single day is really fucked man. i'm loosing my fuckin' mind in this house. i've only lived here for the past 16+ years. its not good to not have any change in your life. fuucccckkkkkk.

but, on the good side, i finally saw Bulworth. i've been waiting forever to see that movie. i liked it.

shit. and i doubt i'm gonna get out tomorrow either. four days in a fucking row. how sad is that shit?

Previously on - Currentlier

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