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2001-04-18 - 12:58 a.m.

i went out again tonight. i'm happy.

i went w/ dae won, samantha, dennis, kim, kerin, jenna, and coryn. oki joined us later.

we went absolutly no where of significance. we first were at kerin's house. only to go to jack in the box where dennis joined us. then we went back to kerin's house. and then dae won and sam went to go pick up dae won's sister or something while oki came. and after that we went to 7-11. and then dae won joined back up with us. after that we went to ala moana beach and sat around somemore and b.s.'ed while playing cards, talking story and walking around. fun, eh?

yeah... that was my day.

oh no, it wasnt.

i forgot entirely about the day time. heh...

i went out w/ erin and her friends. her friends are pretty cool. kelly payed for my game of pool at brians. i'd have to say, i think brian's tables are better than alohas. and their sticks too. but, oh well. they still charge too much.

and then we went to ala moana where we walked around and around and around. then at 2 we left. oh the fun the bus is.

and then i went out at 530. yeah, that was that.

go away.

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