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2001-04-19 - 12:46 a.m.

suprise suprise... guess what i did today.

i'm single again. and i hated every minute of making it that way. man, i feel so baddly for how i made erin feel. god... shoot me.

and theres more. but i dont think it'd be prudent to talk about so publicly.


i went to pearl ridge today with sheri. other people were supposed to be there too, but no one came. so it was just sheri and me walking around pearl ridge aimlessly. we had a combined total of $23. and we spent a total of about $8 on jamba juice. it was good. i like jamba juice. and then we found someplace and sat down and drank the jamba juice and talked about weight for about an hour or so. and then my dad took us home.

after that, i went back out. i went to emily's house and we played a drinking game and video games. we were playing a game with water though. no alcohol for us. the water was tough enough though. it made me sick... all that water i had to piss like three times.

and after we left em's house, me, kim, and kerin went to aloha to play pool real quick. we ended up playing for free cause the guy just said, "nah, thats alright." i was trippin on that. that was so cool man. i like aloha so much.

well, i'm kinda getting tired, i've had about 30-40minutes of sleep in the past 17 hours.

seriously. i didnt sleep last night. from 830am-830am. then i slept for about half an hour and i havent slept since then. its about 130am right now too.

Previously on - Currentlier

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