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2001-05-03 - 10:39 p.m.

god dammit, tv was evil to me today.

i rushed home so i could watch the mavs/jazz game 5. and so i got home in time to watch the game and well, the 2nd qtr. comes rolling on and then the commericials come, so i went channel surfing. well, i wasnt paying attention and the channel surfing lead me to a station with those notices that come up on the bottom of the screen. what do i see? the score for the game. the mavs won. god dammit...

and then... after i was a little bummed out, i start to channel surf again. i think i ended up on CNN headline news... and what do i see? the survivor. the winning freakin' survivor. argh! twice in less than a minute! do you know how dissapointing that can be? extremely.

oh well, i got to shoot today, but i didnt do so well. i hit only an 83. i usually shoot low-mid 90's out of a hundred, so that was an obviously low score for me. but i did coach epiphany to an extremly good prone score. something like a 93. and i think i can coach a few others on to a really good score too. i make a pretty good spotter.

y'know, its only 3 more days till the book report needs to be done. but... i'm only half way done with my book. fahk... it's not that book isn't very interesting, its just that its a very long book.

okay, well... i think i'm gonna go now.

Previously on - Currentlier

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