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2001-05-14 - 10:25 p.m.

man, today was a pretty cool day. i got a computer and an offer for a computer too.

in math ms. nagata gave me something before i fell asleep. it was adressed to my parents, but hey, what the fuck, y'know? i'll take a peek at it. it was an offer for laptops for students who are enrolled in certain classes, so yeah, hell man. i want a notebooke now. and then after school my dad calls me and tells me he has a notebook for me. sweet! it's an old one but it's good enough for me. it's got word processing and xcel. thats all that i really need.

did you know that dmx is still on napster?

i was pissed at rotc today. i volunter to be dj for their shit, but they dont dance and they dont offer me music to play and then they get angry at me for not playing what they want to dance to even though they dont dance anyway. so fuck em.

i hate rotc sometimes.

oh well.

i'm listening to a lot of hip-hop lately.

and jenna thinks i listen to hawaiian and she even went so far as to call me "pop boy" on saturday night. so i put her in a headlock. stupid little bitch. you're mean jenna. i hope you step on dog poo or something.

i was talking to erin tonight. i came to the realization that i am not satisified with who i am. physically at least. i'd like to be more in shape but i dont think i can. i was born to be lazy and shit and that sucks. screw you genetics.

Previously on - Currentlier

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