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2001-05-13 - 10:05 p.m.

its been what? three days? two days? i dont really know, i dont really care. lets just put it this way so i dont have to listen to your complaining. its been since thrusday.

well, on friday night i went to the rotc awards banquet. i dragged jenna along, so i'd like to take some time to sincerely thank jenna for coming along with me. i actually won some crap this time around too. i won the Bronze ROTC Medal from the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution "in recognition of outstanding leadership qualities, military bearing and excellence, thus exemplifying the high ideals and principles which motivated and sustained our patriot ancestors." what that means? i have no idea. i was also awarded the cadet of the year for LET III's, academic achivement wreath, and my student government ribbon. just thought i'd toot my own horn there. *toot toot*

on saturday i woke up late and got ready for the sr. prom. i went down w/ dane, jenna, and kim. we went there early to help dae won set up the tables and stuff. it wasn't bad. we also acted as escorts- myself, kerin, julie, and dane; annoucner- jenna; and worked the check-in table- kim, chris marquez, and davis. it wasn't too bad. davis taught me how to play pick-up trumps and table trumps. after that we went to jack in the box and a homeless guy struck up a conversation with me and he asked for money so i gave him $3. he seemed to be one of the happiest people on earth at that time. his name was kimo i think, he had a friend with him too, but i didnt catch his name. but they seemed like nice fellows. i wish i had given them more money. after that we went to dennis' house and played with his dogs.

sunday, i woke up late again and watched the playoffs. stupid l.a. swept sacramento. but at least charlotte and philly won. i was glad about that.

later on i went to the band concert. damn man... mckinely is a nice ass school. not all ghettorific like roosevelt. stupid stupid ghetto school.

well, that is all. go away and stop reading already. you'll rot your brain.

Previously on - Currentlier

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