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2001-05-24 - 9:32 p.m.

geezus christo... its so freakin' hot. i swear to god my fan isn't really cooling the room too much, it's kinda just moving the hot air around a little bit faster. fahk...

but i tell you, peer ed was fun today. we were having a debate about whether or not homosexuality is or is not something you're born with. i was arguing on the part that you are born with it, the other sides most ardent supporter (actually, basically the only one speaking) was kristin. i like kristin cause she has strong beliefs and it makes it fun to argue. thanks kristin!

oh, and i've been trying to d/l "southern hospitality" for the past few days. everytime i d/l it and listen to it, the song gets fucked up at 56 seconds and then i have to shut down my napster because it fucks up the player too. and it just did it again. i swear to god i'm getting so pissed off at that. i should just get winmx already.

stupid audio galaxy doesnt work on my computer either. fuck. i want a new computer with a damn burner too!

i find myself listening to xtreme radio a lot more now. i find that some what unsettling. i used to be an ardent non-hip-hop type of guy, but now i'm into hip-hop and its somewhat appaling to myself. almost as bad as me listening to pussy music.

oh, and blair hasn't been in school for a while. where are you blair? we want to play trumps! come back to school!

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