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2001-05-25 - 9:31 p.m.

i think i'm in love...

with a person i've seen on TV twice.

i think i've fallen in love with kyllie nakamura. well, not really love, but it sounds neat doesn't it?

man... i can just hear her b/f running at me and the sound of his fists slamming into my face.

suckin' blair's going to her grad party. i want to go so baddly. i know i'll be entirely out of place seeing as how i know only a few (like two) freshmen from aiea who dont know her personally, but it'd be cool, y'know?

instead... what am i doing on sunday? i'm going to the peer ed senior aloha. all alone. who the hell am i going to talk to? blair's the only one that i really talk to in that class. i'm cool with a lot of them, but blair's the only one i really talk to. so shit... i dont want to go anymore cause we're also going ice skating after and thats not my type of thing. but i know i should go 'cause it's for the seniors like naga's and joey s. so if i didn't go it'd be kinda selfish of me. shit...

i still need to do my 10 page report of sociology on the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. the all jap regiment of world war two fame. fuck. even amy didnt do hers. i hate doing work...

i wish i had a car. i wish i could drive too.

i want to go somewhere right now. and tomorrow night too. fuck i'm gonna be so bored tomorrow night... tomorrow night is the prom. and i'm the only fuck not going. what the hell am i gonna do? all my friends that drive are going and what am i going to do? i'm going to stay home or some stupid shit like that... fahk...

stupid prom.

Previously on - Currentlier

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