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2001-05-26 - 9:59 p.m.

it's jr. prom night, and what am i doing? i'm at home like a fuck doing absolutly nothing because i have no fucking money and couldn't get a fucking date. i am so bored out of my god damned mind. i dont know what with myself. at least blade is on tnt or tbs or something like that... but, it's not going to be on for much longer. after that, i dont know what i'm going do to.

i went to the dentist today, apparently my teeth are just fine. thats good with me. i'd rather have good teeth than bad teeth.

and fuck. i'm going to be bored tomorrow because i dont think anyones doing anything tomorrow either. so... shit. i have absolutly nothing to do all weekend. and its a long weekend too. maybe i'll do my work. yeah, i guess i will. i still need to start my 10 page report for gillia. shit.

i hate this shit man... i wish i smoked, it'd give me something to do.

man... if i pick up smoking, i know i'm going to have a hard time doing it. i'm gonna get this image of erin tamashiro in my head... and i'm gonna be all guilty and shit cause she doesn't do any of that stuff... man... damn conscious.

there's absolutly nobody to talk to! fuck! I'm so fucking bored!

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