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2001-05-28 - 9:51 p.m.

i saw pearl harbor. it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. the love story didnt last as long as i had previously precieved. that pleased me greatly. when i go to see a war movie, i want to see explosions and guns and naked women and all that grand stuff that guys like. pearl harbor had two out of three, and two out of three aint bad.

fyi, kate beckinsale is hot! did i spell her name right? i dont think i did...

oh, and i met marcy's friend, darci. darci is cute. but i dont think she likes me very much. she doesn't talk either. shes borderline mute. so while oki and marcy were dry humping i was basically wandering around the store all by my lonesome. i was lonely...

nah, but whatevers. it's coo'. mike didnt ditch me like last time when we went to his house and he let he underclassmen steal the good room to leave me, jenna, kerin, kim, and brandon in the room with only a tv and vcr.

oh, i also finished a 10 page report in only 2 days. i'm so proud of myself. but i cheated a bit. i have only one source of info and one page is taken up with useless info. i hate reports.

okay. i leave no. oh, and josh harnett is not that great.

i can hear all the ladies rushing to slap me now...

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