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2001-05-30 - 9:02 p.m.

i hate math i hate math i hate math. but its all good cause it's over in a few more days.

i think i also failed my first physics test all year long. the lowest grade i ever had on one was a c in the first quarter. but, oh well. an early case of senioritis is what i suffer from.


i still have lots of fucking school this summer. and if i get into drivers ed, that'll be even more. but its worth it. i want to drive.

shit, i broke my m-frames today. it's a good thing i had brian's c-wires he's selling me. i dont know.. i dont really match c-wires. but oh well.

and the dude whos the army recruiter for roosevelt, he's a funny fuck. i'm like one of the most likely to join the military after HS and he hasn't spoken a word to me. and every time i walk into the room, he just stares at me and i walk past him. i think its rather hilarious. i think he thinks i'm fucked up and probably doesn't want to recruit me anyway. ha!

and the jamba juice today was da shizits yo! man, i love that shit! jamba juice kicks mother fucking ass!

i swear a hell of a lot.

did you know that i was up until 1:10 this morning talking to a girl from aiea who hardly spoke a word to me on monday when we went to a movie? i found that kinda ironic, but what the hell y'know?

and i forgot my math book today. that sucked ass cause i need to do my hw tomorrow morning that means. i hate hw. it sucks penis.

Previously on - Currentlier

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