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2001-06-04 - 9:48 p.m.

ahh... one more day down... two more full days to go... and then two days of break... and then back to school for me cause i'm a stupid fuck. yusef put it best. "serves you right for doing that shit."

i'm getting more and more apprehensive about going to this school. i dont really want to. but i know i've got to, all that comes now is the actual going there and learning to not hate it so much. hopefully, it wont be as hard as i make it out to be in my mind. we'll see...

man... y'know what sucks about the school? i cant take my CD player. i absolutly love my CD player. i'm gonna take it anyway. just hide it betwen some clothes. listen to it in the dark with the sound all the way down. i need my music. if i dont have music, i go stupid. i wonder what time i need to wake up there? i hope its not too early, i mean, it is the air force, probably get up at like... 5 or 6, comparitively late. nah... probably get up at the normal time of 4, start classes at 7 or something. do p.t., shower, inspection, breakfast and by then it should be 7. nah, that'd be pretty sick if we got to wake up at like 5 or 6 and they didnt start class till 8 or something. and its all air conditioned rooms and everything. thats so damn dope. compared to marine corps leadership school where we got up at 4 and had p.t. half an hour later... and then another half hour later we got to shower for another half hour... and then a half hour after that inspection commenced, and then we went to breakfast by 6. and didnt start training till like 7. was super cruise that school... i've been trying to tell everyone else that too.

fuck... SLS has been taking up all my thinking lately... i want to stay home and fuck around! not any of this mickey mouse bullshit. i hate it.

oh, i found out that casey waikiki is joining the marine corps. and jason nagamine was looking at the national guard. casey is going four active/four reserve. i wonder what his MOS is gonna be? i hope he's smart enough to not go to a combat service. thats for stupid people! i want a desk job! maybe i should join the air force? nah... the blue uniform is ugly compared to the green one the army wears. i like the green, it's nicer if you ask me. but most of you probably dont agree with me so y'all can go fuck yourselves.

i tend to ramble a lot. why are you still reading this? all i've been doing is rambling. dont y'all have something better to do? no? go find something to do then.

i've found a new song thats cool. purple pills. pretty dope.

shit... schools almost done! only a few more days to play trumps and all that fun shit... damn. i dont wanna leave gillia's class. his class was the shizits. so was bachman's man... all we did was sleep in that class. now i stay awake, mostly cause i'm talking to people... but yeah.

oh. damn... we played scrabble in english today. that was just freakin dope as hell man! my group was, myself, mike oki, kim, and whitney. we had some fun words. first word from whitney: hoe. next word from kim: blow. then we got on to words like bile, and whore, and eventually porno came out, and i even managed to find a way to get "cunt" in there too. ;-) i crack myself up.

oh man... i dont know if i'm gonna pass math. let us all pray i do. *praying hard*

well... i find myself becoming more and more lazy as the days go by. i wont even do my rotc assignments... thats pretty bad, huh?

y'know... signing yearbooks is though when you dont know what to write. especially when your stupid and dont know what to write cause the stuff that comes out is even worse! okay, well. i'm gonna go now cause i'm talking to erin tamashiro. adios!

p.s. if any of y'all read my guestbook and you see jenna's message about me being "pop boi" dont pay any attention to it. she's just trying to smear my name.

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