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2001-06-05 - 9:33 p.m.

man, today was the best freakin day of school... and it's all thanks to you mr. gillia!

okay, shit on the rest of the day, gillia's was the shizits. and if you dont believe me, ask anyone else who was there: mr. gillia, blair, amy, janie, or george.

okay... we all went to that class hopping to play trumps one last time like we always do, but instead we found out that gillia wanted us to run errands for him, so we were all a little bummed at first. but he still had to do some stuff so we decided to play hangman... only, not really... i mean, we had all the hangman thing set up, the letters spaces and all, but it turned into "guess the phrase." or should i say "guess the sick phrase?" it was so damn dope... it started off with me and amy taking cracks at eachother, then amy put one on george... and then i put one on janie... and then amy and blair... and then amy blair and janie... it was fuckin' dope as hell. and then gillia finally got us on our errands, which lasted all of... about 10 minutes. after that, we all came back to his class and started to play trumps and he gave us a bag of mixed chips and shit. gillia was also making sick jokes with us, and believe it or not, even the girls laughed. amy was laughing the hardest. gillia was telling blair to go stand by the window with out any clothes on except for a plastic bag. he said, no one would notice cause of the rain. in the meantime i was trying to get amy to go run around in the rain in her white shirt. ;-) oh, i forgot to mention... it was fucking pouring! we were watching the lightning and waiting for the loud boom of the thunder. it was dope! and after that, gillia asked us to go to G201. so we all decided to go on a class field trip. so we all walked there taking in the view from 2nd floor G-Bldg. also noticing the flooding. after that blair wanted to go through the rain. so did janie after that... so me and george kinda followed them thinking aloud "what the fuck are we doing?" especially me cause i was wearing a white undershirt at that time. oh well... amy got wet too so i was happy. ;-) nah, amy is cool. after that we went walking to class the long way. we went around the mountain side of A-bldg and through the halls past lusks room where i stopped by to wave at everyone, even lusk herself! we almost made it to gillia's class, but we got sidetracked and went downstairs to yell at gillia from downstairs for our "extra credit." you see, gillia promised us extra credit if we did the garbage bag thing he was telling blair to do. ofcourse we didnt have our garbage bags, nor were our clothes off. but we were down there yelling at everyone and waving to mr. gillia who then called us crazy. it was good. after that we finally made our way back to gillia's room. and amy had her camera so i got boss to take a picture of all of us: me, amy, george, blair, janie, and mr. gillia. was dope as hell man. then we all just started to talk reflecting upon how this was the best class period of the year. for me? my life. the shizits man... we're all gonna try meet in gillia's again tomorrow. probably during period 4. he joking said we could watch porno's or even make our own! i love mr. gillia man... he's fuckin' hilarious. he's like a dirty version of mr. inouye.

well, the rest of the day doesn't even compare to period 5. i mean, it was a pretty good day except for the fact that i know i'm gonna fail the 2nd semester of math so i'm gonna have to take it... again. but hell, period 5 made it all good. and shit man... even period 3 was pretty good. i signed yearbooks and all... oh. one more bad thing, sgt. hika, the recruiter who spends a lot of time at roosevelt thought i was a freshmen which is why he didnt talk to me. but, oh well... it doesnt matter cause i gotta wait till i'm 17 anyway. thats not for another 5 months. oh well. he's looking for an interrogator to sign-up. i was pretty set on "jumping out of airplanes and handing out leaflets" as he put it, but hell... i'll do the interrogation thing too. i'm sure it'll be a bit weird being an interrogator. but, there's a civilian equivalent too, which is a really good thing to have. a civillian infantryman or a civillian artillary man isn't really in high demand if y'know what i'm saying...

okay, well... i'm gonna go now. y'all take care, y'heard?

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