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2001-06-18 - 9:25 p.m.

man, summer school is a trip. my geometry teacher's a nut case. he has all the lame jokes. nah, but he's cool i guess.

anyway... i sit in the back w/ dustin, ashley and a girl named stephanie or something like that. but its cool cause ashley is always interesting to say the least. and i think our teacher likes to fuck w/ the foreign kids. i got no problem with that.

anyway... i got new carpeting in my room now, so my room looks different. and my room is kinda bare too. but thats cool. i like it that way. less things to move next time something comes up.

but daymn man... she didnt call me. i'm sad. i feel like a chick now. y'know the rejected feeling? i figure she'll call sooner or later. maybe its denial? i dont know... yeah, it probably is.

Previously on - Currentlier

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