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2001-06-20 - 8:49 p.m.

i gotta curfew for the net now. 1030. you know how much dick that sucks? it sucks a lot.

you know what else sucks? that kailua chick i was talking about liking me... she's goin' out w/ someone else from kailua... he grad a few back. he beat me to the punch. so... yep, i guess i aint goin' no where. but yeah, she asked me if we still coo' and i told her yeah, cause we is. not like shes cheating on me or anything. so yeah... it's all good.


just a little angry at myself for that.

just a little.

hmm... well maybe i can go flirt with that other kailua chick. y'know the one that looks like kristin from behind? yeah... she's solid. *winks*

drivers ed is pretty cool. i can sit where ever the hell i want to in that room. take today for example. someone took my seat for the last two days, and it was the most comfortable seat in the room. so, not to be outdone... i adapted (by seeking another comfortable desk), improvised (by selecting one of the teachers desk w/ the swivelling chair and all), and overcame (i got a better seat).


(thinking hurts)

oh, yeah. we got new carpeting in our house. and a new dinning table too. a real dinning table. its so different from our old one. it's really low. i dont know if i'll get used to it anytime soon. but our new carpet is so soft. its really easy to fall asleep on it. i kinda like it. but it just doesn't have the same... greeness, as our old one.

oh, we also out my old stereo system as the surround sound for our DVD. it's pretty cool. me and my dad were watching Full Metal Jacket last night and GySgt. Heartman sounds so much cooler w/ surround sound.

k... well, i'm out. peace out y'all.

Previously on - Currentlier

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